Ring! Ring!
Me: Indy’s I.T. Department, this is Daniel. How can I help you, today?
Caller: My grand daughter is going away to college in a few weeks, on an academic scholarship. And I want to get her a good laptop.
Me: Congratulations to your grand daughter. Academic scholarships can be difficult to earn. How can I help you with finding the right laptop for her?
Caller: Well, first, I need to know if I can trust you to be honest with me and not just be on the phone with me to make a sale. So, are you an honest man?
Me: Both a liar and an honest man would tell you the same thing. So that would make any answer I give suspect. You will have to decide for yourself, if I am to be trusted, or not.
Caller: So you are neither or you are both. Either way you are smart. But can I trust you?
Me: Again, you will have to determine that for yourself. But back to your laptop needs. She will probably want one that small and lightweight so she can carry it to class for notes and such, but have a larger monitor, mouse, keyboard, and maybe even a printer in her room that it will connect to.
Caller: OK. That made my decision. I can’t trust you. You are just trying to upsell me, already.
Me: But I don’t sell hardware. I only help you identify what hardware you need.
Caller: Nope. Don’t care. You are just another sales person. Don’t call me, again.
Me: But … you called me …
Caller: Good bye!